2018: A year of Change

As a whole 2018 has become a symbolic year of change. It has become the end of a very turbulent chapter in my life. Now a father of a 2 year old son, a son that now will have to split his time between two realities, I find myself having to look back on the last 35 years of my life and question what lessons I have learned and how best to take the next step going forward.

If one thing has been true time and time again, it is that I have a strong aptitude and drive to become a writer. With the turning of the clock bringing me into the 2018th year, I vowed to do what I could to start making a living as a fictional author and creative writer. MusesDice.com will be the vehicle for that drive.

Boffer Axe
With a new year, a new hobby!

Over the last few years I have been shaping MusesDice.com to become a channel for my creative expression. Over this time that creative expression has taken me from the realm of collaborative story-telling in the mindscapes familiar at tabletop role playing games to the digital landscapes of Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPG).

In just as much time, I have explored and even gone so far as to test my ability as a novel author during the 2016 National Novel Writing Month (which I far surpassed all expectations) and have applied my creativity to Live Action Role Playing Games (LARPS) earning me a breath of fun and respectable titles.

So going forward I will be taking 2018 on as a new adventure in the chapter of life. An adventure I hope to invite you, my reader, to travel along with me and share in all of its glory and tragedy the adventure has to offer!

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